Semi Live Streaming YouTube February 28st 19h00
52concerts – Julien Tassin Trio
Semi Live Streaming YouTube January 31st 19h00
52concerts – Dre Pallemaerts Seva – Winter
Semi Live Streaming YouTube April 18th 2021 19h00
52concerts – Dre Pallemaerts Solo Session 2
August 31th 2021, 21H00 Semi live streaming @ 52creations YouTube channel
52concerts – Dre Pallemaerts Solo Session 1
August 31th 2021, 20h00 Semi live streaming @ 52creations YouTube channel
Dre Pallemaerts Seva ‘Winter’ new cd release 16/3
New Seva album ‘Winter’ !!! cd and downloads available on from 16/3/20 or order at
Jo Hermans ‘TGBS’
Concerts with The Great Belgian Songbook project!
Macha Gharibian
New cd ‘Joy Ascension’ out!
Dre Pallemaerts Seva
New cd ‘Winter’ is ready! Release date and concerts soon!
Julien Tassin Trio
Just recorded a new trio album!